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教育英语实习报告合集2篇 学识与智慧蓬勃发展:教育英语实习报告合集

教育英语实习报告合集2篇 学识与智慧蓬勃发展:教育英语实习报告合集


教育英语实习报告合集2篇 学识与智慧蓬勃发展:教育英语实习报告合集


during the last few months before graduation, i am responsible for the work as an administrative assistant. in this process, i adopted the methods of seeing, asking and learning to understand the specific business knowledge about our company’s administrative work and expand my professional knowledge studied at school, which laid a solid foundation for my future career. from the view of individual development, the greatest impact on me should be the personal working style and the important effect of professional knowledge to the job, since they are something i haven’t learned in school, in the report, i'll introduce my congnition and experience of this aspect firstly accumulated during internship.

according to the characteristics of an assistant, we may adjust our attitudes to alleviate the pressure and face setbacks. as the popular saying goes, " when god is going to give someone important tasks, he must suffer a lot, be exhausted, hungry and empty, god will disturb him and help him to be brilliant. "analyze problems calmly from the objective and subjective aspects, goals, environment and conditions to find out the causes, taking effective remedial measures. develop a dialectical view of setbacks and keep confident and optimistic, recognizing that it’s setbacks and lessons that make us become clever and mature, and failure eventually creates success. learn self-comfort and tolerance to be forthright, positive and hard working. try to convert pressure into a kind of driving force and change the inner state of repression to get relaxed physically and mentally, striving for success. i have been familiar with copy, fax, document processing and other assistant works. most documents have different degrees of confidentiality, and various assistants often close to the leader, see some important documents and participate in a number of important meetings, so the assistants should be notice own behaviors in public activities and act properly, konwing exactly what they can speak or not. accuracy is the requirement of work quality. the accuracy of administrative management refers to reflecting the policy, informing the intention of the leader and doing the work correctly, acting properly and expressing clearly, which guarantee the accuracy of the leader’s work in some degree. the secretarial management accuracy involvs many aspects, briefly speaking, it includes accurate documenting, proper acting, ture information and cautious ideas. and in order to reach these standards, we must be seriouly and carefully instead of being neglectly and casually. for example, when doing documenting, we should ensure the quality of the file with accurate words, real material, serious copy and careful proofread to avoid any mistakes. otherwise it will delay the work, or even lead to irreparable loss.

the process of internship is filled with joy of harvest and also regret. perhaps it is because that the time is short and management is not my major, my understanding of administrative assistant work just stays at the surface, watching people do and

listening to them about how to do without self-experience, which results in grasping its essence hardly. but the internship has deepened my understanding of some basic konwledge of secretary, enriched my actual management knowledge, gotten certain perceptual and rational congnition on the daily management work. to do the daily business secretarial management work well, we should not only pay attention to the theoretic knowledge of management, but also combine the theory and practice closely.

i have found out my shortcomings through about one-month intership. i will try my best in the future work and study,learning from each other. i believe that i could be proficient and better in my future carrer !

教育英语实习报告合集2篇 学识与智慧蓬勃发展:教育英语实习报告合集 第2张






1、从英语教师的自身、教学等方面探究现今职高英语教学的现状。首先,从职高英语教师的自身方面谈一谈教学的状况。经过近三个月的相处,我发现教师的文化水平都是本科。经过从教导处了解的信息,在这所职高年级占绝大多数的中学中拥有本科文凭的老师占多数,只有少数教师拥有硕士文凭。这证明职高英语教师普遍文凭不高。其次,从现今职高英语教师的'教学方面来看英语教学的状况。在教学方法方面,职高一年级基本都采用问答法、讲授法,少数有经验的老教师会采用自学辅导法、情境教学法以更好地达到效果。在采用教学设备方面,经调查发现,现在的课堂教学,大多数老师所使用的教学方法还是原始的:老师讲 1


2、从学生的角度探究现今职高英语的发展现状。我实习的年级是职高一年级且全是男生,学生都在十六岁左右。这种学校该年龄段的学生存在失落和自卑感强烈、惰性和厌学心理普遍、 偏执和叛逆心理严重、法纪和是非观念淡漠等问题。经过观察,我发现这个班的学生不是好动、做小动作,就是睡觉,不跟老师的步伐来。如果上课不集中,是根本掌握不了知识的,这非常让老师头痛。所以上课时,吸引学生注意、维护课堂秩序就成了每个一年级英语教师的重头戏,我想从学生方面说,这可能是因为职高学生英语基础差,学习能力弱,自控力不强有很大关系,这门课对他们来说还是一门很新鲜的学科。当然这种现象和职高英语教师的教学也是分不开的,每一位职高英语教师都努力让每一个学生爱上英语,他们使尽手段、用尽方法,就是要把学生的注意力引导到英语学习上来。


在学习压力方面,我是在职高实习的,调查的对象都是职高学生,这个职高学校对学生管的很严,除了放假不许出校门,一切生活都在校内进行。据我深入学生之中了解到的,大多数 2



职高学校中学生存在一些明显的影响英语学习的心理因素:⑴ 失落和自卑感强烈。很大一部分学生由于自控能力差、贪图玩乐且学习不得法,成绩普遍较差,进入职业学校前饱受老师的批评、同学的冷漠和家长的训斥, 总觉得自己低人一等,存在着比较严重的自卑心理;⑵ 惰性和厌学心理普遍。学生到了职校后,很多人不能主动地吸取中考失败的经验教训,在思想上仍没认识到学习的重要性,特别是职校新的教学模式新的学习内容更让他们一时难以适应!⑶ 偏执和叛逆心理严重。职校学生大多正值十五、六岁的年龄段,处于心理上的逆反期,做事一意孤行,在家让父母头疼,在学校也根本听不进老师对他们的教育。(4) 法纪和是非观念淡漠。许多中等职业学校的学生法纪观念淡薄,自控意识和行为能力差,是非观念不强,在校园内打架、斗殴甚至盗窃等违法行为时有发生;不请假外出、翻墙上网等违反校纪校规已成常态。






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